Another great one!
The ‘white privilege’ thing seems to be most difficult for poor/working-class white people to understand. I had to explain to people from my hometown that, even though you aren’t at a place of financial privilege, you still reap the benefits of being White. You have your own set of problems but none of your problems are ever going to be brought on because of your whiteness.
I remember writing a fiction piece in college on the very idea of tokenism/the expectation on POC to educate their white peers. It just really doesn’t make sense how people won’t take the initiative to educate themselves, and that’s when I realized it’s because they don’t have the desire to do so. It’s much easier for them to just drain the information from the person they’re constantly offending. “Oh, you don’t want to explain it to me? Okay, I guess I just won’t learn it” Those are the people that understand there’s no direct consequence for them not learning about this. Even if we talk about this until we’re blue in the face, it doesn’t mean anything to someone who has already decided they don’t want to receive it