Funny thing, this is essentially why I ended up writing about it in the first place! Ultimately, those guys that were commenting about "but the dictionary says that it CAN be a noun" were clearly adamant about missing the point and that is people throw out the term 'female' with the intent of being offensive.
As a Black person and as a woman there are too many times where I hear that what society currently has for us is 'good enough'. Somehow we're expected to embrace the bare minimum because "wow this is so much better than being a slave!" "This is so much better than needing a man to control the in's and out's of my life!". While America has come a long way it still has a long way to go before we're at a point to brag about our 'progress'. Not being called racial slurs is the bare minimum, not being called a 'bitch' for exuding the same behaviors a man would in a leadership position is the bare minimum. Shit, equal pay is the bare minimum.
Thanks for the shout out, but more important: thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!