Hi David,
I can see what was being done here, but to echo Shamontiel L. Vaughn ‘s sentiment, I feel like you definitely could have gone more in-depth about a few things. Even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself a fan (I like her but I can’t say I’m a fan either), some research into her accomplishments could have gone a long way and you would have avoided some of the inaccuracies that have already been pointed out.
Seeing that Beyonce is one of the biggest pop stars of our generation (or of all time, it depends on who you talk to), I feel that this story kind of only scratches the very tip of the iceberg. I understand that it was only really supposed to highlight her marketing tactics, but even in that realm I feel that there were some oversights, vague statements that confused me as the reader, and inaccuracies (i.e. “she doesn’t sing about pain”, “she just sings for the regular person”).