I do feel like for a lot of people writing on Medium seems to be a constant struggle of being stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to being able to express themselves while simultaneously being profitable. I’ve seen some posts on the subject of Medium get curated though; usually, it revolves around how to be more profitable on the platform. I think it all comes down to people’s overall intentions. If someone’s overall intention is to be profitable, then I guess the game has to be played. But if someone’s intention is to speak their truth then I guess the curation would play less of a factor. I would still be up for being curated, but only if I’m sharing genuinely. I feel like I would be cringing if I were intentionally writing just to get curated. I think the only upside is that if you are here to speak truth, being curated would allow more people to view your pure intent and possibly be educated in a manner that they never even bothered to think about before. Also, I feel like people do need to understand that curation doesn’t necessarily mean that your content will be extremely profitable out of the gate.