I’m terribly sorry that you are going through this and I thank you for sharing this story. Your son most definitely loves and misses you.
I can’t speak on motherhood (as I’m not a mother), but I can definitely believe this sentiment that “mothers cannot burn out, mothers cannot fail”. It’s a crazy societal expectation. Another crazy thing about it is how much men are applauded and rewarded for being fathers to their own kids. Even in simple situations: a dad changes a diaper, a dad watches his kid at home while the mom is away, etc. These are things that are all expected of the mother but somehow absolutely amazing for the father.
Someone tried to project that onto one of my guy friends who has his own child. He was out with the baby and someone said: “Oh how cute, you’re babysitting!” He said, “No…I’m fathering.”
Once again, thank you for sharing this story. You’re truly a woman of strength ❤