One of my most interesting experiences took place when I had very short hair. I underwent the ‘big chop’, cutting off all my chemically straightened hair leaving only a few inches of my natural hair.
I actually loved the lack of attention I was getting from guys; guys who were showing even the faintest interest in me at the time fell from the face of the Earth after I posted my new hairstyle on social media. My DMs and inbox was so empty, it was a wonderful time. I affectionately called it ‘Fuck Boy Repellant’.
But I’m with you; a lot of people were on the side of assuming I was a lesbian, which I never quite understood either. What really threw people off was when I grew my hair to the point where it was HUGE (typical ‘big hair’ look) and decided to chop it all off again on a whim. The look on their faces XD