Thanks for sharing this; I remember an incident with a former co-worker who…just didn’t get it. She absolutely loves Beyonce’, and would go on and on about how much she wanted to get her hair done in cornrows (she would say this as she references a picture of microbraids). And she found herself highly offended when she realized that I didn’t care for Iggy or Miley Cyrus; she went as far as accusing me of being anti-feminist (not sure what that had to do with anything but okay). I didn’t even say “I hate them, they’re trash” even though I was thinking it. I calmly explained to her that I’m not seeing anything from them that Black women haven’t already done better and without faking a personality or ‘Blaccent’. She decided to lecture me on how my claim that the world doesn’t love Black women is “ridiculous” by referencing — of course — how much everyone loves Beyonce and how people admire our bodies soooo much!
And before you ask: Yes. Yes, she was.