Thanks for sharing your perspective on this; I think this point really sums it up really well.
I always hear a lot of back and forth between men and women on the subject. As you said, I don’t think there’s necessarily a “right or wrong” on how to do this, more so it’s really about what ‘stage’ the other is in. While my bf and I both know that I have the means to pay for myself at dinner, he’ll happily do so. He finds joy in doing these types of things for me. However, he’s also happy that — in his words — “you want me but don’t need me”. So with that, we go with the more ‘traditional’ route of him paying (though I’ll offer to get us dessert elsewhere!)
I think people sometimes feel pressured to do things a certain way because they feel like it’s what they are “supposed” to do. Some couples go 50/50, some take turns paying, some have it all on one person, etc. I say do what works for your relationship dynamic.
Great read!