The whole piece is on point, but this portion here is something that I've had to remind the single men around me. I've encountered men who get confused and downright OFFENDED when a woman won't disclose her personal information to him and it's baffling. Women are constantly taught to be on guard for stalkers, creeps, abusers, etc. by doing everything we can: we don't give out our personal info too early, we don't have him pick us up from our home or work for a first date, we're not going over to his place too early, we're not wearing earphones at night, we keep watch of our drinks when we go out, we text our location to friends when we go on a first date with someone we barely know. Men get offended by these things but the moment things go left (i.e. someone assaults and/or kills her) then the resounding message is "how terrible. You women HAVE to be more careful out there!"
Make it make sense smh