Very fitting; my husband and I just adopted our first dog over the weekend. An 8 week old Weimaraner/Lab mix. He's playful but thankfully since he's still a puppy he sleeps a lot; but when he's older we anticipate that 'active' trait to kick in full force. Even though I wanted a dog too, my husband is definitely the 'dog person' of the two of us. This is my first time "raising" a dog, unlike him. I grew up in the countryside, where all dogs are just outside dogs (unless the weather gets bad). You feed them, maybe train them a little, and play with them. But having an 'inside dog' is a completely different world. I'm already stressed out about being a good 'dog mom' (though right now he's sleeping in his crate directly across the room after A LOT of protest).
I definitely would equate a puppy with a baby, but at least a newborn doesn't move smh