You bring up an interesting point here, Benjamin! This is usually what I mean when I tell people that social media is what you make it. And I guess it’s also about perspective. Someone with anxiety (or rather, who is in a state of anxiety) could easily have this interpretation. But in my perspective, I interpret that successful person being the only one to like the post as an act of encouragement. Chances are, that wildly successful person liked the post because they understand what it’s like to be in that position. To feel alone in the journey and even the small victories. I think ‘If this person who is wildly successful in what I’m pursuing took the time to like my post, maybe it means I’m doing something right’. But I know for me, if I’m feeling particularly anxious, I could easily view the act to be extremely discouraging.
I agree that with 24 hour news coverage and other reasons that it’s easier than ever for all of us to feel anxious about what is to come. It’s one of the reasons why I had to put a cap on how often I’m on social media, who I choose to follow, how often I check news updates, and removed certain alerts from my phone. Of course, I still have my days, but I do feel that taking small steps to control our environment can make a difference.
Thanks for sharing!